Katia recently attended and lectured twice at the AOPA National Assembly in San Diego, California. The annual Premiere meeting for Orthotic, Prosthetic, and Pedorthic Professionals from around the globe. The goal of this conference is to ensure successful patient outcomes and advance the standard of care. The event provides leading medical technology backed by experience, creating better access for prosthetic and orthotic devices that change lives. It also provides the education and training required to ensure successful patient outcomes around the world. One of the topics Katia spoke on was the following:Is It Lumbar Spinal Stenosis or Diabetic Neuropathy or Both?
Lumbar Spinal Stenosis is a degenerative condition in the lumbar spine causing narrowing that compresses the spinal cord and nerves at the level of the lumbar vertebrae. The resultant symptoms mimic Diabetic Neuropathy and the diagnosis of Lumbar Stenosis is being missed in these patients. This is clinically relevant as Stenosis limits the ability to walk so patients will be ending up in your office! Katia also had the pleasure of sharing the stage in San Diego with world-renowned David Armstrong, DPM, MD, PhD. You can learn more about the spectacular work of David here. That's it for updates for now. Please contact us below if you have any questions or would like to learn more about anything we shared with you today. And remember... All Diabetic patients need a comprehensive Diabetic foot exam on an Annual Basis. Please call and book with us below. "IT'S YOUR FUTURE, BE THERE HEALTHY!" -Dr. Katia Langton Please phone: (250)585-5859 or email us at [email protected] to schedule your appointment today!
Doreen Hill is the newest member of our fantastic teamDoreen Hill is a registered Acupuncturist now operating out of our Nanaimo location. Here's what she has to say: "I am frequently asked how I came to be an Acupuncturist and what journey brought me to where I am today. You see, I worked for many years for a Crown Corporation in Saskatchewan. As a student for life, I discovered the need to feel that the career choice I made needed to be of value and to make a difference in the lives of others. Therefore, I enrolled in a 4-year program studying Chinese Medicine and began studying in earnest. I am very proud to say that I am Board Certified through the College of Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners and Acupuncturists of British Columbia (CTCMA). I have been in private practice in New Westminster since 2004. Further family demands and a lifestyle change brought me to Nanaimo. Acupuncture is a tremendous resource for health and healing. I treat many complaints, especially age-related conditions by women over the age of 30. These could be stress, lifestyle, hormonal or digestive in nature. I also see many conditions experienced by seniors well into their 90's. Complaints of overall body pain, or localized pain in the hip, back, neck, shoulders and knees. Cosmetic acupuncture treatments are an alternative to costly cosmetic procedures such as botox and fillers. This relaxing, pampering treatment is NON NEEDLE and uses micro stimulation instead. You will look younger – possibly anywhere from 5 to 15 years younger, have more energy, be more relaxed and feel great! With this technology, I also treat skin lesions such as acne, rosacea and scar tissue. To complete these spa treatments, I carry professional quality, effective Elastin and Collagen products that I use with my facial treatments. In closing, my love of alternative health care began with reflexology and it has brought me into the world of Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture. I bring all of my alternative medicine background into my treatments as I treat a multitude of health complaints. I will take the time to do a thorough investigation of your condition and use a combination of herbal and homeopathic therapies plus assorted bodywork techniques to encourage a shift in your condition." TestimonialsRaynaud’s Syndrome
"I along with my mother and three sisters, have suffered with Raynaud’s Syndrome all my life. In July of 2008, after enduring endless ice-cold fingers and feet, my boyfriend a vetran of acupuncture treatments, arranged for me to visit Doreen Hill, for an acupuncture treatment focused on Raynaud’s. Previous to this visit, I had tried Cayenne Pepper and various herbs, but nothing gave significant or lasting relief. Positive results were felt within a couple of days of my 1st acupuncture treatment, and after my second visit, one week later, my condition improved approx. 95%!! These results, and how quickly they have occurred, is nothing short of amazing to me. I’m just not sure who’s happier, My boyfriend, Me or Doreen." Thank You. Jody W – Greater Vancouver, BC Feeling Better "I just wanted to follow up with you regarding my treatment yesterday. I feel like I am walking about 2 feet off the ground today. I am usually in a good mood while at work; but today, I feel so super good. So thank you so much. I just had to give you feedback on how wonderful I feel. Thank you!" DB – Greater Vancouver, BC “Doreen is a gifted acupuncturist, not solely because she does an excellent job in effectively treating what ails you, but more so she is gifted in ways that no school can teach. Her true gift is how she interacts with her patients. Her empathy is reassuring and refreshing. Doreen is unique in that she is not running room-to-room attending to several patients simultaneously; rather she dedicates the entire appointment time to a single patient. Her calm demeanor and the fact that you have her undivided attention leaves her patients feeling sincerely cared for and listened to. Doreen takes copious notes in order to track progress and to document the treatment provided and has been known to follow-up with a phone call or email after-the-fact just to see how you’re making out since the session. Now that’s personal service and a health care provider who truly does care!” Top qualities: Great Results, Personable, High Integrity. Brenda B. New Westminster, BC. Call today to begin to improve your health and well-being. To discuss your concerns; please give us a call (250) 585-5859 or contact us today! |
Katia LangtonKatia Langton is trained as a doctor of Chiropractic. She is the owner and operator of Oceanwalk Pedorthic Footcare and is also the Secretary of the Diabetic Foot Stream Committee of the International Diabetes Federation and co-authored the latest IDF guidelines to protect The Diabetic foot from breakdown. Archives
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