This is often diagnosed as Metatarsalgia.
Metatarsalgia is pain in the balls of the foot which can happen due to mechanical issues, Neuropathy in the Diabetic foot causing structural changes or, most commonly, with aging. With aging the protective fat pad that protects the Metatarsal Heads (ball of the foot) often thins out giving this area less protection from the constant repetitive stress of walking. This combined with arthritic and degenerative changes in the foot can result in increased pressure and less ability to absorb shock. These factors contribute to pain and inflammation so short term relief is found with rest and icing. For long term correction, a Custom Foot Orthotic will spread pressure across the entire bottom of the foot decreasing pressure on the balls of the foot. Pedorthists will take the time to examine your feet and keep you on your feet, mobile and walking. Give us a call today at (250) 585-5859 to book an appointment or learn more.
Morton’s Neuroma is a painful condition that is felt in the ball of the foot, usually between the third and fourth toes. It may feel as if you are standing on a pebble in your shoe, or on a fold in your sock.
Pain, odd sensations, and numbness over the ball of the foot are common. Women tend to be affected more than men. The condition can often be helped by a Custom Foot Orthotic with specific modifications, along with changing footwear to a lower heel height with a wider toe box. If you think you may be suffering from Morton’s Neuroma please don’t hesitate to contact us to discuss various options for treatment. If you are limping around with foot pain or have chronic aching feet – this can indicate a bigger health problem needing attention now.
The simple prescription of daily walking can do wonders for your health; but if walking and standing cause you pain and discomfort, then walking really isn’t your friend and you need to get to the bottom of this! Muscle cramping, neuropathy, mechanical foot pain, foot drop and arthritic conditions should be diagnosed and treated before little problems become big problems. Proper assessment of your gait (the way you walk) and a comprehensive foot exam including biomechanics, sensory, circulation, range of motion and muscle strength can reveal a lot of information to get you well on your way to increasing your daily foot steps which will assist in increasing your health and outlook. Contact us here at OceanWalk Pedorthic to get your feet checked; your future healthy self will thank you! Diabetes and its complications are rapidly becoming the world’s most significant cause of morbidity and mortality. It is predicted that by 2040 there will be over 642 million people with Diabetes in the world. With the lifetime incidence of foot ulcers occurring in up to 25% of patients, we need to pay far more attention to the Diabetic foot and shift our focus to preventing ulcers rather than treating them. Diabetes morbidity rates are staggeringly high and the 5-year mortality rate, after a foot amputation, is only second to lung cancer. 75% of Diabetic foot ulcerations are potentially preventable; all Diabetic patients should get their feet checked annually to prevent complications.
If you'd like to book a Comprehensive Diabetic Foot Exam with us please use the contact us here. |
Katia LangtonKatia Langton is trained as a doctor of Chiropractic. She is the owner and operator of Oceanwalk Pedorthic Footcare and is also the Secretary of the Diabetic Foot Stream Committee of the International Diabetes Federation and co-authored the latest IDF guidelines to protect The Diabetic foot from breakdown. Archives
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